A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away."    
To Getting Right Idea
  • Navigation and Usability
  • Remove Complex Desgn
  • Provide 100% Security
  • To apply the Sketching
  • Design Content
  • Browser Compatibility
  • Attractive Color and Images
  • Used Multimedia and Animation

We Getting Started- Web  Design

The purpose of a web site is to support and enhance the goals of your business or organization.
A web site should be much more than just an on-line brochure, and a well designed web site integrates the following key concepts.Design isn't just the façade; it's the personality beneath. For some reason, design has a stigma as solely the visual part of the website. This couldn't be more false or misunderstood.

Be User Centric
Users are paramount and should always be at the forefront of every decision about your site or app. Designs should enable your users to reach their goals with speed, effectiveness and, most importantly, pleasure.. Designers use personas, storytelling and more to indicate who the site users are and what they want to be doing on the site.

We Design Sketch Often
The benefits of sketching user experiences are well documented. Sketching helps you think about content, hierarchy and flow among other aspects. Sketches are cheap, easy to do and very fast. You should be able to create one new idea every thirty seconds. Sketching is also one of the best ways to communicate ideas about layout, user experience and user flow for a site.

Keep an Inspiration Folder
Keep a gallery of all of the things that inspire you visually. These can be photos, videos, posters, T-shirts and websites; anything that may spark ideas for a solution to the particular design problem you're facing. Not only does this act as a reference point, it also forces you to constantly be looking and evaluating design.

Design All About Problem Solving
You should approach design as a set of problems that require solutions. Everything on the page should have a reason for being there and be solving a specific problem for the user or design. I have the tendency to remove features from the feature set until the problem I'm solving becomes very apparent.

We Know Critique Design
A sure way to annoy a designer is to tell them that a red block should be blue, that a piece of text should be moved over, or to make the logo bigger. I think you get the idea.

Used the White Space
It seems to be the hardest concept for developers to grasp: the biggest benefit to having the proper amount of white space is giving the user a break. Breaks are important for processing information, especially when there's a fair amount to process. It's why we have paragraphs and sentences instead of just a single, long block of running text.

More Attractive

100% Responsive

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